Feel-good musical soundtracks to brighten your day

It’s day 456761 of lockdown and we’ve run out of Tiktoks, funny cat videos and new dance trends to try. It’s definitely time for some feel-good musical theatre tunes to lift our spirits! We dare you to still feel blue after giving these hits a go…

Come From Away
The heart-warming tale of a community that comes together in the dark days following 9/11 seems a fitting soundtrack to lift our spirits while we’re social distancing. Featuring plenty of upbeat and catchy songs, Screech In will be the perfect track to get everybody up and dancing.

Dear Evan Hansen
It’s the musical that has taken Broadway and the West End by storm, and now the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack can serve as the perfect reminder that we are never as alone as we think we are. If you’re in need of some kind words, we recommend what is probably the most well known track, You Will Be Found, but Sincerely, Me is also a great song if you need a laugh.

Quite possibly the best film adaptation of a musical (don’t fight us on this), it doesn’t get much more feel-good than Hairspray! Rather than choosing one stand-out song, we recommend putting this smash-hit soundtrack on repeat and turning the volume up as high as is socially acceptable.

Mamma Mia!
It’s ABBA… it’s Meryl Streep singing ABBA… do we need any further explanation? If Meryl can’t make you smile, Pierce Brosnan could potentially at least make you laugh.

Kinky Boots
It’s got sass, it’s got catchy tunes and it encourages us all to love ourselves a little more – the Kinky Boots soundtrack really does have it all! It’s impossible to be sad while listening to the feel-good lyrics of Raise You Up.

Funny Girl
Barbra Streisand. That’s it. That’s all we need.

Jersey Boys
There have been productions of this classic jukebox show in London’s West End, Las Vegas, Chicago, Toronto, Melbourne (and other Australian cities), Singapore, South Africa, The Netherlands, Japan, Dubai, and China for good reason! Who can resist singing along to the smooth tones of Frank Valli and The Four Seasons?

This smash-hit sensation, brought to us by the creative genius that is Lin-Manuel Miranda, features some of the greatest lyrics in musical theatre history. And who knows, perhaps by the time we’ve finished social distancing, we’ll all be able to rap the soundtrack like a pro!